Tag Archives: spaetzle

veal stew with cream and spaetzle


This is a cold weather dish and had been planned for Saturday evening in the mountains, but we were invited to Vittorio’s for supper. So,  it had to wait until we got home on Sunday night.

I roughly chop an onion and sauté it in a little oil with stewing veal. When the meat is browned, I sprinkle it with flour and cover with broth (boiling water and a teaspoon of vegetable stock granules). I add a strip of lemon peel to the pot, turn down the flame and cover. It simmers for an hour.  I add stock if necessary. When the meat is tender, I add a half glass of fresh cream and cook for another 15 minutes. I add a good tablespoon of freshly chopped herbs ( marjoram or oregano or parsley) and check the seasoning.

This is nice with mashed potato or buttery rice or noodles. I often serve it with spaetzle, which is a quick way to make fresh pasta. However, you need the specific spaetzle grater (I think a potato ricer would work too). Per person, it’s 100gm of flour and an egg. Then add enough cold water to make it just pourable. You grate the mixture over a pan of salted boiling water and remove the spaetzle with a slotted spoon when they rise to the surface. (It only takes a minute or two.) You then dress them with melted butter and parmesan.